Incumbent Section Managers Begin New Terms in April
QST on Tue Mar 16 21:40:20 2021
Eight incumbent ARRL Section Managers who were unopposed for re-election in the winter election cycle will begin new terms on April 1. They are Rick Paquette, W7RAP (Arizona); James Ferguson, N5LKE (Arkansas); Lelia Garner, WA0UIG (Iowa); Steve Morgan, W4NHO (Kentucky); Malcolm Keown, W5XX (Mississippi); Paul Stiles, KF7SOJ (Montana); Steven Lott Smith, KG5VK (North Texas), and Rick Breininger, N1TEK (Wyoming).
Because no nominating petitions were received from the ARRL Orange Section by the December 4, 2020 deadline, candidates for the office of Orange Section Manager will be re-solicited. Notices will appear in the April and May issues of QST to elicit candidates for an 18-month term starting October 1, 2021. Incumbent Orange Section Manager Carl Gardenias, WU6D, decided not to run for another term after serving since 2003.
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