• Fidogazette

    From Daniel Traechin@1:229/317 to All on Tue Apr 30 04:12:51 2024
    Hi folks -

    For the better part of a few years, I have mostly lurked on the echoes and newsgroups. And, having been saddened by the discontinuation of the fidogazette emag, my wife told me to stop complaining and do something about it.

    A day or so ago, I solicited for assistance in getting the gazette back into production. And I wont be repeating the post here, but I was hoping to garner some interest, at least, for some assistance. If the readers here can visit the fidogazette echo and read my post it would be greatly appreciated.

    I would like to have a recipe section with a selected recipe or maybe even an article on cooking technique. I figure much of the content could be sourced from fidonet even if originating from the web. Any original content would be greatly welcome.

    I already have one volunteer. two more would be great, at least in an advisory capacity. Contributors would be great.

    I already started brainstorming on what it would entail, but frequency of publishing hasnt entered my mind.

    As I said in my OP, I cant do it alone or Ill get bored.

    If interested, please dont hesitate to reply here or on the other echo.. Or better yet, send a netmail. Id like to keep all the comms within the BBSphere.

    I hope to get a show of hands.

    Daniel Traechin

    ... There will be a rain dance Friday night, weather permitting!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The Bottomless Abyss BBS * bbs.bottomlessabyss.net (1:229/317)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:275/100 to Daniel Traechin on Tue Apr 30 15:40:52 2024
    Re: Fidogazette
    By: Daniel Traechin to All on Tue Apr 30 2024 04:12 am

    Here Daniel! This is mostly original though I matched up the parts from cookbooks and such. My first Duck.

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05

    Title: Xxcarol's Simply Ducky
    Categories: Xxcarol, Duck
    Yield: 10 Servings

    1 ea Whole dressed Duck, 7lbs
    1/3 c Jufran brand banana sauce
    1/3 c Thai 'Hot-Sweet' sauce
    1/4 c Datu Puti brand soy sauce
    1 ea Large white onion, 'sweet'

    I've been wanting to cook a Duck since I was in college but my skills
    at the start when I moved out from home were not up to that and the
    price was beyond college student means. For years though it's been
    in the back of my mind as a 'wanna try that'.

    About 3 weeks ago in the cooking echo, I saw a lovely recipe and
    mentioned that Duck is pretty hard to find here but I kept it in
    mind. A week later, one of the rare times when they have Duck at the
    commisary occured and I got one. It's a touch over 7 lbs. It sat in
    the freezer while we contemplated recipes. My initial intentions
    were to put it in the rotisserie with a dry rub but it turned out to
    not fit my unit, being about 3 inches too long.

    Next I went to plan 'B' which was to line my biggest baking pan with
    opened cans as I didnt have a rack to raise it out of the grease with
    here and Duck I was told is a very greasy meat. I was all setup to
    do it that way when Don went to the exchange and got me a mother's
    day gift of a real covered unit (pyrex bottom, metal lifting rack,
    metal lid) that just perfectly fit the duck. Yippiee!

    After perusing many recipes, we settled on a simple adaption. I
    normally try a new food the first time, in a simpler cooking style.
    Having not even tasted restraunt Duck in 10 years, I had little
    memory so was going on other's experience and what they used. I
    decided pre-steaming was probably a good idea but a bit too much for
    a first time duck experiment.

    Using ideas from many other recipes, we settled on a simple way using
    things I have here and didnt have to go out shopping for. The Datu
    Puti brand soy sauce is considerably lower-sodium than Kikkoman Lite
    and tastes much better. In fact, all their line of sauces are lower
    sodium but none are marked 'low sodium'. I've found all of them to
    be excellent. I also find all the Jufran brand products to be lower
    sodium and extremely tastey, so the 'hot-sweet' sauce here was Jufran
    brand as well.

    Mix the 3 sauces in a plastic bowl and let sit while washing the duck
    out. I set the duck in a suspended strainer that has adjustable sides
    and sits at the top of the sink. It seemed 'drying the duck' was
    used in almost every recipe so I let it dry for 1 hour.

    Once ready, I heated the oven to 425F then slathered the sauce on all
    sides and cooked it with the lid on the roaster, for 30 mins 'breast
    up'. I cut the onion in 1/2 and stuffed the cavity with that.

    I then reduced the heat to 375F and flipped it over, re-saucing it
    well on all sides then baking another 30 mins. I raised the temp to
    425F and did another 20 mins 'breast up' and re-sauced. At the end,
    we took the lid off the roaster, and re-sauced the top (breast) and
    let it 'crisp' another 15-20 mins.

    The sugars in the sauces made for a lovely dark flavorful skin that
    was somewhat crispy at the topside. We let it sit on the top of the
    stove to 'set' for about 15 mins then started picking off favored

    Perfection for a family where we all love dark meat <grin> and white
    meat gets used mostly in chicken salad. I said 'feeds 6' above as an
    estimate but we don't eat that much meat so for us, it would be more
    like 10 servings. There's plenty of drippings and fat rendered out
    which is currently smothering the leftovers in a sort of 'confit'
    type of arrangement. There's a perfect duck carcass in the freezer
    awaiting being made into duck soup.

    The giblets went into a pot of water with just chinese 5 spice added
    and the broth has Don in rapures.

    We served it with sticky rice and green beans. The onion got all
    eaten up as a side nosh.

    From the Sasebo Kitchen of: xxcarol on 05-14-07


    If I see any posts in the echo, will reply. Meantime, feel free to copy it over. Janis may not have seen it before.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Shenks Express (1:275/100)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Daniel Traechin on Tue Apr 30 20:58:28 2024
    Daniel Traechin wrote to All <=-

    I hope to get a show of hands.

    I am the original editor of the FidoGazette. I started the FG in 2008 as an alternate to the Snooze but after a while with little to no input from
    sysops, I decided my time and effort was better spent elsewhere.

    I'd have appreciated a message asking me about the future of the FG but
    since you've announced it, have fun, but I'd appreciate you use another
    name. I also have the original FG setup here, using the original TBBS DOS newsletter utility.

    -- Sean

    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)
  • From Daniel Traechin@1:229/317 to Sean Dennis on Mon May 6 03:51:02 2024
    On 30 Apr 2024, Sean Dennis said the following...

    Daniel Traechin wrote to All <=-

    I hope to get a show of hands.

    I am the original editor of the FidoGazette. I started the FG in 2008
    as an alternate to the Snooze but after a while with little to no input from sysops, I decided my time and effort was better spent elsewhere.

    Hey guy. I didn't know you were still around. When I saw your message about shutting your BBS, I figured you were long gone. Also, I didn't know you owned it. The community was quite negative about my idea and turned me off - they really seemed to hate the gazette and fidonet in general going by their attitudes. I decided not to stick around because other echoes have friendlier people. Though, I did get a good number of good responses privately. And as such...

    I'd have appreciated a message asking me about the future of the FG but since you've announced it, have fun, but I'd appreciate you use another name. I also have the original FG setup here, using the original TBBS
    DOS newsletter utility.

    In the aftermath of the discussion on Fidonet, I was at the MRC meetup on Friday - it was suggested I create another newsletter on fsxnet. So, I grabbed my existing concepts and got to work. And as you say, I'm leaving the gazette alone. It's not mine, as you say.

    I still have much to decide on what to do. Frequency of submission, static topics, rotating topics, the name (that's a tough one).

    I apologize by the way - hope I didn't unintentionally offend you. I'm glad you're still around.

    -- Sean

    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)

    ... I'm not avoiding chores, I'm conducting an experiment in entropy

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The Bottomless Abyss BBS * bbs.bottomlessabyss.net (1:229/317)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to DANIEL TRAECHIN on Mon May 6 09:57:00 2024
    In the aftermath of the discussion on Fidonet, I was at the MRC meetup on >Friday - it was suggested I create another newsletter on fsxnet. So, I grabbed >my existing concepts and got to work. And as you say, I'm leaving the gazette >alone. It's not mine, as you say.

    If you still want to use recipes that you see in this echo, I am ok with
    that so long as you ask the original poster if it is ok for you to use
    their recipe first (and receive a positive response).

    Moderator, FIDO COOKING

    * SLMR 2.1a * Exxon - greasing the coastline for smoother boating!
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Daniel Traechin@1:229/317 to Mike Powell on Mon May 6 18:05:43 2024
    On 06 May 2024, Mike Powell said the following...

    In the aftermath of the discussion on Fidonet, I was at the MRC meetup on >Friday - it was suggested I create another newsletter on fsxnet. So, I gr >my existing concepts and got to work. And as you say, I'm leaving the gaz >alone. It's not mine, as you say.

    If you still want to use recipes that you see in this echo, I am ok with that so long as you ask the original poster if it is ok for you to use their recipe first (and receive a positive response).

    Moderator, FIDO COOKING

    * SLMR 2.1a * Exxon - greasing the coastline for smoother boating!
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)

    I don't intend to include recipes from the echoes unless they are submitted to me. Already got a few people interested in doing so. Be that as it may, I have no intention of posting others' works without their approval.

    If I don't receive a recipe from an echo for a given article, I will either submit my own or skip it altogether. Gladdens my heart you look out for them.


    ... What does it mean to pre-board? Do you get on before you get on?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The Bottomless Abyss BBS * bbs.bottomlessabyss.net (1:229/317)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Mike Powell on Tue May 7 17:18:33 2024
    Hello Mikey,

    In the aftermath of the discussion on Fidonet, I was at the MRC meetup on
    Friday - it was suggested I create another newsletter on fsxnet. So, I
    my existing concepts and got to work. And as you say, I'm leaving the
    alone. It's not mine, as you say.

    If you still want to use recipes that you see in this echo, I am ok with that so long as you ask the original poster if it is ok for you to use their recipe first (and receive a positive response).

    Since there are no original recipes in this echo, nothing is fair
    game. Therefore, steal as many as you want - at your own peril.

    For Life,

    Biden 2024 - Finisth The Job

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Daniel Traechin on Mon May 13 19:05:12 2024
    Daniel Traechin wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

    I apologize by the way - hope I didn't unintentionally offend you. I'm glad you're still around.

    I know no offense was meant so none taken. :)

    The FidoNews has been dead for decades and the FG was crapped on by several zone 2 sysops who are xenophobic and have an intense hatred of Americans
    (and yes, I can name names! not here tho) so it's no surprise.

    Don't waste your time on Fidonet. Go where you are wanted. I've run my own FTN network, Micronet, for 24 years now and the Fido Z1C and several RCs and Z2ers hang out there as I do not suffer fools.

    If you run into issues with the TBBS newsletter software, don't hesitate to contact me.

    Please don't take my seemingly being overly curt in my messages as an
    insult; I am in poor health and have been having a lot of issues lately and
    I come across as sounding angry when I'm not.

    Best of luck with your newsletter!

    As per tradition here in COOKING, here's a recipe:

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Shanghai Beef
    Categories: Asian, Beef
    Yield: 4 Servings

    1 lb Flank steak, cut into strips
    1 cn 10 1/2 oz. condensed beef
    2 tb Oil
    8 oz Can sliced water chestnuts
    1/4 c Water
    1 md Red bell pepper coarsely
    4 tb Soy sauce
    2 tb Cornstarch
    5 Scallions cut diagonally
    -into 1" pieces
    1/4 ts Black pepper
    1 1/2 c Dry rice

    Brown beef in hot oil in a skillet, about 5 minutes. Add water
    chestnuts, red bell pepper, scallions, and pepper. Cook 2 minutes
    longer. Mix broth, water, soy sauce, and cornstarch; stir into beef
    mixture. Cook and stir until mixture thickens and comes to a full
    boil. Stir in rice. Cook; remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes.
    Fluff with a fork. Makes 4 servings.


    -- Sean

    P.S. I've been informed that the FIDOGAZETTE echo is still being used as a flame echo even though I took it off the backbone and have the echo as a placeholder in the Elist. I'd avoid it and all the FIDO* echoes for sysops...they're all cesspools.

    P.S.S. If you want to check if someone is still in Fidonet, check the nodelist. :)

    ... My other computer doesn't compute.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)