• Delice Au Chocolat

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Thu Jun 6 10:19:23 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Delice Au Chocolat
    Categories: Chocolate, Desserts
    Yield: 1 Batch

    2 2/3 c Chopped semisweet chocolate
    5 Eggs; separated
    1 tb Brandy *
    1 tb Granulated sugar
    2 tb Flour
    1/2 ts Salt
    1/2 c Sweet butter; +2 tb,

    Preheat oven to 400°F.

    Place chocolate in the top of a double boiler over almost-boiling
    water on very low heat. Let stand about 10 minutes, then stir until
    melted and smooth. Let cool a bit until needed.

    Grease a parchment circle to fit the bottom of a baking pan (I always
    used a pan that was 8" on the top and about 6-3/4" on the bottom with
    very slightly sloped sides. Looking at my pan, I think a 7-1/2"
    springform, about 3" deep would be fine.) Place greased side down in
    pan and then grease both parchment and pan.

    Beat the egg yolks until thick. Beat in the brandy, flour, and butter
    the last-mentioned about 1 tb at a time. Add the chocolate and mix
    gently until smooth and homogeneous. (Yes, it will be sort-of melty.
    Hence I think it's good to get the chocolate melted and let it cool a
    tad while you are proceeding up to this point.) Beat the egg whites
    until frothy; add the sugar and proceed to beat until stiff and
    glossy. Fold thoroughly into the chocolate mixture. Turn into
    prepared pan.

    Bake 20-25 minutes or until center's firm when touched lightly (you
    just don't want it to be liquid; if you cook it too long, you will
    destroy the ultimate texture). It won't look done. As it cools, the
    delice will become firmer; it will also sink and possibly crack. (I
    almost threw it away the first time I made it, thinking it was a
    total disaster!). Cool thoroughly in pan on rack. Then turn out of
    pan and invert back onto serving plate. You will probably need to
    loosen the sides to do this--possibly with a long thin knife.. If you
    are not using a springform, you can also dip the pan briefly into hot
    water to get it out. Chill thoroughly. (You can also freeze this
    indefinitely and eat it directly or almost directly from the freezer
    if you are so inclined, but try that later.) Believe me, this is VERY
    rich. If you serve it with whipped cream, that will seem refreshing
    by comparison.

    * I experimented with various liqueurs and also liked using VERY
    strong coffee either instead of the brandy (if liquid) or dissolved
    in it. I might even try using some ground coffee beans now.

    I also made a chocolate-mint version, usually by inserting a
    toothpick into very strong peppermint oil and then stirring it around
    in the butter mixture a bit. You could obviously use more extract. Or
    if you are near a Trader Joe's, you could use their divine mint
    chocolate chips. Don't know if I would try it with the other brands

    I also once tried doing this with butterscotch chips (I don't even
    eat them now, but that's another story). It didn't solidify properly
    even when frozen!

    Recipe FROM: <https://web.archive.org/web/20170328104829/
    http://recfoodcooking.org/sigs/Jean B./
    Jean B's Delice au Chocolat.html>

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