• Grape Jelly Cocktail Meatballs

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Sun Aug 4 22:05:50 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Grape Jelly Cocktail Meatballs
    Categories: Appetizers
    Yield: 60 Meatballs

    12 oz Bottle chili sauce
    10 oz Jar grape jelly
    60 Frozen meatballs; thawed

    Combine chili sauce and grape jelly in a medium saucepan (or same
    electric skillet); stir well until jelly is melted. Add meatballs and
    simmer uncovered on low for 30 minutes (to thicken the sauce),
    stirring occasionally. Serve hot meatballs with toothpicks out of the
    skillet or a crockpot or chafing dish set on low to keep warm.

    Recipe by Nancy Youbng

    Recipe FROM: <https://web.archive.org/web/20170328103845/
    http://recfoodcooking.org/sigs/Nancy Young/
    Grape Jelly Cocktail Meatballs.html>

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    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)