• Honey-Spelt Sourdough

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Wed Aug 7 10:16:37 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Honey Spelt Sourdough
    Categories: Breads, Sourdough
    Yield: 2 Loaves

    28 g Rye starter; 100% hydration
    85 g Water
    130 g White bread flour
    8 g Rye flour

    225 g Levain (above)
    500 g Water
    550 g White bread flour
    217 g Whole spelt flour
    20 g Honey
    17 g Salt; added after autolyse

    The honey provides a subtle background note in this recipe. If you
    prefer a stronger honey flavour, adding just 5 g more will make it
    quite prominent. The honey speeds up fermentation too - very useful
    in a draughty English house in winter!

    Prepare levain the evening before. Makes slightly more than required.

    I use a stand mixer. You can, of course, knead by hand.

    Mix the dough and autolyse for 30 minutes before adding salt.

    Knead for 3 minutes 30 seconds on first speed, rest a couple of
    minutes, then knead for 3 minutes 30 seconds on second speed.

    Split the dough into two containers for bulk fermentation (I find
    shaping and folding easier if I split it now). There's usually around
    785 g of dough per container after I've left some stuck to my hands
    and the mixing bowl.

    While fermenting, I usually find time for two folds a couple of hours

    Shape when the dough has about doubled in size. The time this takes
    can vary wildy but be prepared to wait most of the day.

    Prove until passing the poke test (usually around 1 to 2 hours).

    At this point, if it's late and you don't want to be up for another
    couple of hours, you can put both in the fridge and bake them
    directly from the fridge tomorrow morning. But this recipe is better
    when baked now before the more sour flavours start to develop.

    While proving, put the dutch oven in and pre-heat at 240°C (I give it
    about 45 minutes). When the dough is ready, place the second loaf in
    the fridge to slow down fermentation and bake the first loaf now.

    Bake in Dutch oven, lid on, 240°C for 20 minutes. Then remove lid
    and bake a further 19 minutes at 220°C.

    Place on wire rack to cool and put the dutch oven and its lid back in
    to pre-heat at 240°C before repeating the bake for the second loaf
    (you can bake it straight from the fridge).

    Recipe by Caolan McMahon

    Recipe FROM:

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