Fox News reported that Bill Clinton said at a Harris-Walz campaign event "We need the migrants because of the low birth rates in the USA."
I wasn't at the event, but this sounds like an admission of the intentional importation of millions of undocumented migrants.
Are brainwashed leftists on-board with this statement? We need more undocumented migrants? And we need them because of the low birth rate in the USA? We need more migrants because of statistics?
I wasn't at the event, but this sounds like an admission of the intentional importation of millions of undocumented migrants.
Yeah, because all migrants in the US ever since The White Man stole
the land from the natives were undocumented, right? Ahem... that
includes your ancestors, no? Or are you actually a Redskin? Nah, I
didn't think so.
Who do YOU think built the USA? And now the MAGA morons think it's time to stop the build. Fuck future generations; who cares about them?
Are brainwashed leftists on-board with this statement? We need more undocumented migrants? And we need them because of the low birth rate the USA? We need more migrants because of statistics?
Brainwashed MAGA morons like you here show over and over again what happens when you drop out of elementary school. The reason behind the well-known statement can be explained by elementary school maths.
The natives don't make the laws here.
If they did, do you think they
would appreciate how the Democrats imported 40 million more illegal immigrants?
Aaron Thomas wrote to All <=-
Fox News reported that Bill Clinton said at a Harris-Walz campaign
event "We need the migrants because of the low birth rates in the USA."
I wasn't at the event, but this sounds like an admission of the intentional importation of millions of undocumented migrants.
Are brainwashed leftists on-board with this statement? We need more undocumented migrants? And we need them because of the low birth rate
in the USA? We need more migrants because of statistics?
The natives don't make the laws here.
Why? They are still the legal landowners.
Oh, wait, the White Superior Man "legally" made his own laws. That sounds like a typical MAGA excuse for not returning all the way back to the original Great America. Just about circa the time when niggers and women had no voting rights. 100+ years or so?
If they did, do you think they
would appreciate how the Democrats imported 40 million more illegal immigrants?
Sigh. Is there no limit to the degree that the modern-day Nazi/MAGA fanatics have brainwashed its cult members? Imported illegals? Oh, poor boy, you really have to try to catch up on your elementary school education.
Come to think of it, maybe all citizens who have nothing but a birth certificate should be required to take a civics test to register to
vote. That would certainly raise the level of democracy awareness in the USA by magnitudes.
Fox News reported that Bill Clinton said at a Harris-Walz campaign event "We need the migrants because of the low birth rates in the USA
Sooo... Once again, the fix for the problem that THEY caused (i.e. low birth rates) is to let them fix the problem by creating yet another problem - that they'll need to fix.
in the USA? We need more migrants because of statistics?
They want less people who can think for themselves.
I've said it before: The Elitists want a return to feudal times where
they are the rulers and everyone else are slaves/serfs/etc.
Fox News reported that Bill Clinton said at a Harris-Walz campaign event "We need the migrants because of the low birth rates in the USA."
I wasn't at the event, but this sounds like an admission of the intentional importation of millions of undocumented migrants.
Are brainwashed leftists on-board with this statement? We need more undocumented migrants? And we need them because of the low birth rate in the USA? We need more migrants because of statistics?
Are brainwashed leftists on-board with this statement? We need more undocumented migrants? And we need them because of the low birth rate in USA? We need more migrants because of statistics?
Funny thing here is that many leftists are against population growth because it is bad for the environment or bad for some other reason.
Lower birth rate = fewer people for the government to have to take care of, but also means a smaller tax base for the government to milk.
Fox News reported that Bill Clinton said at a Harris-Walz campaign event "We
need the migrants because of the low birth rates in the USA."
I wasn't at the event, but this sounds like an admission of the intentional
importation of millions of undocumented migrants.
Are brainwashed leftists on-board with this statement? We need more undocumented migrants? And we need them because of the low birth rate in the USA? We need more migrants because of statistics?
the USAevent "We need the migrants because of the low birth rates RL>AT>in
Sooo... Once again, the fix for the problem that THEY caused RL>(i.e. lowbirth rates) is to let them fix the problem by creating RL>yet another problem - that they'll need to fix.
These are not "problems" for elites, but "opportunities."
I've said it before: The Elitists want a return to feudal times RL>wherethey are the rulers and everyone else are slaves/serfs/etc.
How far away from that are we?
They already have their servants attending rallies for a candidate that was
preselected for them by elites.
Fox News reported that Bill Clinton said at a Harris-Walz campaign
event "We need the migrants because of the low birth rates in the
Fox Fake News reported. LOL! Really?
I wasn't at the event, but this sounds like an admission of the
intentional importation of millions of undocumented migrants.
Yeah, because all migrants in the US ever since The White Man stole the land
from the natives were undocumented, right? Ahem... that includes your ancestors, no? Or are you actually a Redskin? Nah, I didn't think so.
Who do YOU think built the USA?
And now the MAGA morons think it's time to stop the build.
Fuck future generations; who cares about them?
Are brainwashed leftists on-board with this statement? We need more
undocumented migrants? And we need them because of the low birth rate
in the USA? We need more migrants because of statistics?
Brainwashed MAGA morons like you here show over and over again what happens
when you drop out of elementary school. The reason behind the well-known statement can be explained by elementary school maths.
Like Pogo said, "I have met the enemy, and he is us."
That's right. Guys need to fuck more women. That is the only
way to increase our birth rate. Otherwise, the American species
will die out and we will become extinct.
That's right. Guys need to fuck more women. That is the only
way to increase our birth rate. Otherwise, the American species
will die out and we will become extinct.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
These are not "problems" for elites, but "opportunities."
How far away from that are we? They already have their servants
attending rallies for a candidate that was preselected for them by
How far away from that are we? They already have their servants attending rallies for a candidate that was preselected for them by elites.
Probably as close to fuedal times than since... well, feudal times.
We already have gov't that can step in seize your property without charging you with anything. We already have people in prison for
speaking out against the election cheating in 2020. We already have Elitists in power who commit blatent crimes and don't get charged. And the most egregious crimes are covered up and buried - by the people who are supposed to be invetigating them.
We already have gov't that can step in seize your property without charging yo
We already have people in prison for speaking out against the
election cheating in 2020.
We already have Elitists in power who commit
blatent crimes and don't get charged.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
They already have everything they want except for unlimited puppetry in the white house. Once they get Trump out of the way, it will be all downhill from there.
Fox News reported that Bill Clinton said at a Harris-Walz campaign event "We need the migrants because of the low birth rates in the USA."
I wasn't at the event, but this sounds like an admission of the intentional importation of millions of undocumented migrants.
I wasn't at the event, but this sounds like an admission of the intentional importation of millions of undocumented migrants.
If he said it, from an economic standpoint, he's not necessarily wrong.
Even Trump darling Elon Musk has been very, very vocal about the need for increased birth rates to support capitalist growth. Heck, Vance has been pushing this agenda for longer than he's been the nominee. It's a fair component to the anti-abortion movement.
A steadily increasing population is crucial for economic growth. That's a cornerstone of the conservative economic agenda.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Randall Schad <=-
A steadily increasing population is crucial for economic growth. That's a cornerstone of the conservative economic agenda.
But the way the Democrats want to do it are NOT cornerstone for us.
A steadily increasing population is crucial for economic growth. That cornerstone of the conservative economic agenda.
But the way the Democrats want to do it are NOT cornerstone for us.
It never is. They
1. Create a problem - i.e. low birth rate due to abortion on demand, fear mongering, the jabs, etc.
2. Implement a fix - i.e. import a bunch of illegals who don't want to become Americans.
But the end result is bad for the U.S. But the Elitists get the sheeple population that they want to rule over, instead of the thinking
population that doesn't believe their B.S.
It's a fair component to the anti-abortion movement.
Even Trump darling Elon Musk has been very, very vocal about the need for
increased birth rates to support capitalist growth. Heck, Vance has been pushing this agenda for longer than he's been the nominee. It's a fair component to the anti-abortion movement.
I don't follow JD Vance closely. Did he say that we need undocumented illegal migrants without background checks?
Fox News reported that Bill Clinton said at a Harris-Walz campaign
"We need the migrants because of the low birth rates in the USA."
I wasn't at the event, but this sounds like an admission of the
intentional importation of millions of undocumented migrants.
If he said it, from an economic standpoint, he's not necessarily wrong.
Even Trump darling Elon Musk has been very, very vocal about the need for increased birth rates to support capitalist growth.
Heck, Vance has been pushing this agenda for longer than he's been the nominee. It's a fair component to the anti-abortion movement.
A steadily increasing population is crucial for economic growth. That's a cornerstone of the conservative economic agenda.
component to the anti-abortion movement.
I don't follow JD Vance closely. Did he say that we need undocumented il migrants without background checks?
I don't think that is even what Bill Clinton said.
Vance is apparently an increased birth rate supporter but likely wants it done in a different manner (i.e. bigger families).
If he said it, from an economic standpoint, he's not necessarily wron
Doesn't matter whether he said it or not. The fact of the matter is,
guys in this country need more women to fuck. Without enough women to
make babies, the population of this country will continue to decline.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Imagine the worst case scenario of low birth rate: Grocery stores close because there's not enough groceries or there's not enough employees,
and we're forced to grow our own food, and food becomes scarce and expensive.
Horrible, right? But not as horrible as being forced to defend
ourselves against millions of murderous migrants. I'd rather starve
than be stabbed.
But Jimmy Kimmel's studio audience doesn't see things my way :(
I don't believe that Bill Clinton is allowed to be against illegal immigration
and I'm quite sure it was a slip of the tongue when he said "the ones who killed that girl weren't vetted properly."
I don't believe that Bill Clinton is allowed to be against illegal immigration
and I'm quite sure it was a slip of the tongue when he said "the ones wh killed that girl weren't vetted properly."
Illegal migrants never are vetted properly. During at least the last
four years I doubt that all legal migrants are vetter properly, either.
If he said it, from an economic standpoint, he's not necessarily wron
There are things that supersede the economy, like being protected from undocumented illegal migrants who have no background check and won't
until 2030 or later. Things like that are what expose Bill Clinton's reptilian skin.
Even Trump darling Elon Musk has been very, very vocal about the need increased birth rates to support capitalist growth. Heck, Vance has b pushing this agenda for longer than he's been the nominee. It's a fai component to the anti-abortion movement.
I don't follow JD Vance closely. Did he say that we need undocumented illegal migrants without background checks?
A steadily increasing population is crucial for economic growth. That cornerstone of the conservative economic agenda.
But the way the Democrats want to do it are NOT cornerstone for us.
It's a fair component to the anti-abortion movement.
My problem with this component is that I do not understand any assumption that the "saved" baby is going to grow up and be a contributing part of the economy.
Most pro-life folks want to paint those who want/get abortions as being irresponsible and possibly evil. I think that is wrong but, since that
is their viewpoint, I am not sure how they believe someone raised by such an irresponsible parent (who was forced to have the child) is going to grow up to be anything but the same.
I also find it very contradictory that they want to force these folks to have their kids, yet most of them don't want to have to pay any extra taxes to support said kids, and most of them are not out there adopting these kids left and right.
If they were practicing what they preached, they should have a whole
house full of "saved from abortion" adopted kids... 10 or 20 at least.
The idea behind it was the same -- we need more people to grow the economy.
What doesn't make sense here is that there's some hidden conspiracy to keep undocumented immigrants flowing into the country by the millions. Meanwhile, the process to enter the country in any "legal/acceptable"
way requires some rather Olympic quality jumping through bureaucratic hoops and paperwork.
Look, I'm with you. I want people to come through legally, and I want to see some form of legitimate documentation. But we don't need some form
of Iron Curtain operation to get there.
It's a fair component to the anti-abortion movement.
My problem with this component is that I do not understand any assumption that the "saved" baby is going to grow up and be a contributing part of the economy.
I suppose there are statistics that validate the idea. We always need more general laborers we can undervalue and push to overperform.
Most pro-life folks want to paint those who want/get abortions as being irresponsible and possibly evil. I think that is wrong but, since that is their viewpoint, I am not sure how they believe someone raised by such
an irresponsible parent (who was forced to have the child) is going to grow up to be anything but the same.
This is perhaps the most well-worded take to similar viewpoints I've ever read
The next time my wife and I get into this particular discussion (which will certainly be within the next couple days), I fully intend to adopt (pardon the
pun) and share it.
The days of hopping off the boat at Ellis Island, showing some form of ID, >signing your name to a book, and going about your business don't exist anymore.
The narrative coming from the "close the border" people is they just want >immigrants to do that, and they're refusing such a simple request, so they must
be out to deal fentanyl and rape babies or some other unspeakably nefarious >thing.
Look, I'm with you. I want people to come through legally, and I want to see >some form of legitimate documentation. But we don't need some form of Iron >Curtain operation to get there.
The ones here illegally need to go. Trump said that his "mass deportations" would begin with the ones who are fugitives. That sounds fair to me.
The ones here illegally need to go. Trump said that his "mass deportations" would begin with the ones who are fugitives. That sound fair to me.
I just worry about the execution here. I can see a number of ways that goes sideways.
Just thinking out loud here: rather than immediate deportation, what if there's some window of time where identified persons have the
opportunity to provide the requisite documentation to be here legally.
If documentation and vetting is the issue, that saves a lot of money and military activity (and "What? We really have uniformed military going
door to door?")
But if
Kamala wins, then those irritated people will have to suck it up, and we'll just keep them all.
But if
Kamala wins, then those irritated people will have to suck it up, and we just keep them all.
Someone will probably contradict you on this so I will give you a quick tip... google Kamala Harris Telemundo Interview. It should give you plenty of ammo.
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