• 8/13 Filet Mignon Day - 4

    From Dave Drum@1:229/452 to All on Sat Aug 12 17:09:16 2023
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Filet Oscar
    Categories: Five, Beef, Seafood, Vegetables, Sauces
    Yield: 6 servings

    6 (6 oz ea) beef filet
    1 lb Crab legs
    1 lb Fresh asparagus
    Bearnaise Sauce (See note)

    Heat crab legs in boiling water until just heated
    through. Remove from the water, crack the shells and
    remove the meat. Set aside. Take the asparagus and
    remove the tough-cut ends and steam until crisp tender.
    For your steak, you can use a filet or a top sirloin
    between 6 - 8 ounces each. Choose the steak you enjoy
    the most. Salt and pepper, and grill to your preferred
    temperature. Set aside to rest.

    TO ASSEMBLE - Place a steak on your plate. First top
    with 4 - 5 stems of asparagus and then some crab meat.
    Top with Bearnaise Sauce.

    NOTE: For the Bearnaise, there are several recipes on
    the internet. A good one is at https://tinyurl.com/yxvbaaxj
    or you can find a package mix like Knorr.

    RECIPE FROM: http://3guysoutside.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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  • From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Mon Aug 12 16:13:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Filet Mignon w/Cafe De Paris Butter
    Categories: Beef, Pork, Vegetables, Herbs, Sauces
    Yield: 4 Servings

    4 (200 g ea) beef eye filets
    4 sl Rindless middle bacon
    1/2 c Beef glaze or red wine jus

    MMMMM--------------------CAFE DE PARIS BUTTER-------------------------
    250 g Butter; softened
    1 tb Salted capers; rinsed
    1 tb Dijon mustard
    1 tb Worcestershire Sauce
    1/2 Stem tarragon; fine chopped
    1/2 Stem chervil; fine chopped
    1 Stem parsley, finely
    - chopped
    1 1/2 tb Tomato sauce
    2 Shallots; fine sliced
    2 ts Curry powder
    1 1/2 Anchovies

    MMMMM-----------------------MASHED POTATO----------------------------
    8 Dutch cream potatoes; peeled
    1/2 c Cream
    100 g Butter; softened

    140 g Baby spinach
    140 g Baby Swiss chard
    1/3 bn Silverbeet

    MMMMM--------------------------TO SERVE-------------------------------
    Mashed Potato
    Fillet Mignon
    Cafe de Paris Butter

    FILLET MIGNON Wrap eye fillets with bacon and hold in
    place with a skewer. Pan fry to desired doneness, allow
    to rest Heat beef glaze or red wine jus

    CAFE DE PARIS BUTTER: Combine butter with capers,
    mustard, Worcestershire, herbs, tomato sauce, shallots,
    curry powder and anchovies. Blend until pale, season

    Line bench with foil and place butter mix on foil. Shape
    to a 2cm diameter log. Refrigerate. Slice into eight
    rounds before serving

    MASHED POTATO: Halve potatoes and place in salted water.
    Bring to a simmer, cooking until tender

    Drain and mash through a ricer. Return to saucepan and
    stir in cream and 100g butter

    Season and set aside

    GREENS: Heat olive oil in saucepan, saute spinach, chard
    and silverbeet until wilted. Season

    TO SERVE: Arrange potato mash on plate, followed by
    greens, steak and two discs of butter. Ladle beef glaze
    over plate

    RECIPE FROM: https://myfoodbook.com.au

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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