• MESO: Mesoscale Discussion 1687

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 20 19:57:56 2024
    ACUS11 KWNS 201957
    SPC MCD 201957=20

    Mesoscale Discussion 1687
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0257 PM CDT Sat Jul 20 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the central High Plains

    Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely=20

    Valid 201957Z - 202230Z

    Probability of Watch Issuance...20 percent

    SUMMARY...Thunderstorms are expected to increase in coverage and
    intensity across eastern Wyoming and Colorado and the Nebraska
    Panhandle through the afternoon and evening hours posing a threat of
    severe hail and wind gusts. Given the isolated nature of the
    threat, a severe thunderstorm watch is unlikely.

    DISCUSSION...With strong heating across the region, thunderstorms
    have initiated ahead of a weak midlevel impulse moving southeastward
    into northern Wyoming (per latest water vapor imagery). These
    storms are developing in an environment characterized by ~1000 J/kg
    of MLCAPE and ~25 knots of effective shear, supporting primarily
    multicell storms with some short-lived supercell characteristics.=20
    As such, severe hail and damaging winds may be possible, but the
    threat is expected to remain too marginal and isolated to warrant a

    ..Jirak/Smith.. 07/20/2024

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.spc.noaa.gov__;!!DZ3fj= g!9k0x-lJtRWuMF-frHOnQ8IjYoYz3JWzssOa0OdE4hcoE_34YUUHbp4UCkziQ7rkne6xgQ4eq7= D_BJsJsdyUpsnojnoI$ for graphic product...


    LAT...LON 39530440 40280498 41600557 42660562 43070547 43410485
    43280394 42860305 42310252 41010225 40070234 39520249
    39250317 39190399 39530440=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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