• Anonymous account on OpenBSD

    From ffuentes@ffuentes@texto-plano.xyz to tilde.bsd on Sat Apr 9 23:13:52 2022
    I was wondering whether it was possible and safe to make an anonymous
    account for people to explore the server. This account should be
    accessible without a password but also without an identity file. In
    principle it shouldn't have access to the internet or certain files
    (like programming interpreters like python) but this could be controlled
    by using a simple group arrangement. What I really don't know is how to
    create the account and allow it to connect to my server without an
    identity file. Never read anyone who did this.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From yeti@yeti@tilde.institute to tilde.bsd on Sun Apr 10 03:17:34 2022
    Maybe this already is ™good enough™?


    Someone might nudge them to update the version.
    Take Back Control! — Mesh The Planet!
    smtp/tor: yeti@anetphabw4n7gheupc7d2gla4m4yuec622f6qadfypd6lgnhipodbyqd.onion finger yeti@tilde.institute
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  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.bsd on Sun Apr 10 15:31:07 2022
    On Sat, 9 Apr 2022, ffuentes wrote:

    What I really don't know is how to
    create the account and allow it to connect to my server without an
    identity file. Never read anyone who did this.

    Actually, this is a very old-school configuration which is
    disabled by default nowadays due to an abundance of (*sigh*)
    script kiddies and their use of remote password brute-force tools.

    It could be enabled: the relevant OpenSSHd configuration keys are `PasswordAuthentication` and `PermitEmptyPasswords`.
    You would NOT want these to be enabled for every accounts however,
    so you would have to use a conditional block in order to apply that
    to a very specific one.

    In case when the guest user in question is named "guest"
    (which must be created beforehand, and like you described
    with empty password), the relevant stanza in OpenSSHd configuration
    would theoretically be:

    Match User guest
    PasswordAuthentication yes
    PermitEmptyPasswords yes

    Note that this conditional block will not terminate until there is another `Match` line or the end of configuration file; so you probably want
    to specify this at the very end of your OpenSSHd configuration.

    This is the easiest part of the endeavor; other devils are in the details...

    I was wondering whether it was possible and safe to make an anonymous
    account for people to explore the server.

    What you said so far seems to imply a singular "guest" user,
    which got me thinking:

    1. What would happen when there are more than one guests
    trying to use the system at the same time? Or do you plan to make sure
    that there is only one SSH connection possible under user "guest";
    and if so, do you plan to limit the connection time of this
    single "guest" and how?

    2. How/when would you manage/clear/isolate the data in the "guest" account's
    home directory? (You know, because having read-only $HOME could cause
    some software's function to be duds or unadjustable)
    And how/when you would do that when there are multiple login on "guest"
    at the same time?

    And if it's not read-only, would it considered to be okay
    for later "guest" to have access to the earlier
    (or other concurrent) "guest"'s files?

    3. What happens when a guest tries to set a password with `passwd`
    or other related information via `chsh` and `chfn`?

    4. How do you plan discern multiple "guest" apart in audit logs
    if an abuse occurs? (Just in case, it might or might not relevant;
    I don't really have an experience in dealing with Unix audit trails)

    You could go all laissez-faire about these of course, but I think
    issue 2 and 3 are still important to consider even in that case.

    There is another approach used by some purpose-specific shell server:
    create guest accounts dynamically, then disable, kill, and wipe it out
    after a timeout (or last logout). This is an advanced approach
    which requires you to seriously write programs to orchestrate the actions,
    but will allow you to sidestep all the concurrent-related issues above.

    You can also make it in a way that guest account could even be requested
    via SSH too, which new guest user could invoke it, something like:

    $ ssh guest@example.org create

    Which you can write it to prompt to confirm account creation, set password, etc; and it would terminate when an account is created. Then, user could
    start a normal SSH session like:

    $ ssh guest01@example.org

    To actually use the account, until the timeout reached or last connection logged out. (Which further login will be disabled, user kicked,
    all associated processes killed, account removed, and home directory nuked;
    in that order)

    Of course, this is an advanced things that only minority of full-time
    "advanced professionals" would do. I'm merely suggesting it
    as a possibility, because I have actually used something like that
    in the wild.

    In principle it shouldn't have access to the internet

    I'm curious as well, how one could do this in OpenBSD?

    (On GNU/Linux, I know that I could add policy routing with `iptables`
    to drop/reject everything originated from "guest" user that tries
    to go to anywhere other than the loopback/localhost or the machine's own
    public IP address; combined with blanket reject rules on incoming TCP connect [and dropping rule for all incoming UDP] on all but select ports)

    Take this with a grain of salt,
    (Just another GNU/Linux user)
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.bsd on Sun Apr 10 15:44:43 2022
    On Sun, 10 Apr 2022, yeti wrote:

    Maybe this already is good enough


    From what I read, I supposed that ~ffluentes meant "anonymous account"
    in pubnix context- where the priority is *not* having a complate isolation between Unix users, and encourage on-server interactions.
    Virtualization-based approach like that is unlikely to be applicable
    in this case.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
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