On 2/27/23 19:21, Amitla wrote:
Do you know what's happened to nntp.aioe.org? It's down for a month.
I'm nntp user since 1995. For some reasons aioe was the best for me.
I'm very upset. Very.
There is still free Usenet access:
A small number of Russians can be found on RockSolid BBS and DoveNet.
Also check the newsgroup relcom.wheels. It appears to have posts
exclusively using the Cyrillic alphabet.
Nobody knows what is happening with AIOE. There is much conjecture but
nothing from the horse's mouth. Some of the personalities who have
"died" are likely intelligence assets who have been retired in a hurry.
There is a great reorganization happening in the Western network of
state organs and intelligence assets. The COVID fiasco has enraged tens
of millions of people at the Western governments. The governments are no longer able to distract them with bread and circuses.
The state has thousands of hired disinformation agents working online at
all hours to sow disinformation and shut down all valid criticism of government crimes and deception. If you post anything on Usenet that
gets to the root of corruption the paid trolls will swarm the discussion thread and disrupt it. The same happens on Reddit, Mastodon, Facebook,
or any other discussion forum.
Even people in military brass are pushing back against the Philistines
who have captured the civilian governments. Things are going to get interesting.
The "war" in Ukraine is a cooperative smokescreen between Moscow and Washington to cover up all the Congressional and CIA money-laundering
that has been funneled through Ukraine in the last decade. In the fog of
war all the evidence can be destroyed and all the witnesses killed.
Their deaths are then chalked up to the "war" which was orchestrated
well in advance.
None of the countries in these conflicts are innocent. All of our
political leaders on all sides are criminal monsters, thieves, liars,
and murderers. There is no difference between the Russian peasant and
the American peasant and the Ukrainian peasant. All the peasants are
enslaved by their evil governments while being fed a diet of propaganda
from cradle to grave.
The "masters" in power tell you who your enemy is, then enlist you to do
their dirty work for them. Slavery is when your rulers tell you which
enemy you must fight. Freedom is when you decide which enemy to fight.
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