I'm going to be blunt. After last year's drama I'm out.
For those that are unaware one of the mods was caught being ....
unsavory concerning minors. I don't know the details nor do I really
want the details. That isn't the reason I'm out though, as if it were
just a staffer issue they could get ejected and policy reviewed, since
it is clear we can't have nice things.
My problem is in the period where everything but a giant 'you guys
sort yourselves out while we clean up the mess' thread. I was late to
the mess, so started asking questions. The community response, when
not moderated, was to fling what looked like accusations without
proof and arms crossed screaming that I wasn't falling in line. Sure,
the accusation was severe. Unfortunately for me, the accusation was
very similar to the sort of thing I've heard ... People ... my family
listen to level the same accusations with the same verbage as an
attempt to smear effectivly anyone they dislike/don't want to exist.
And in general the community soured me, greatly, by using that same
tone. Moreso because proof did exist, which I had gotten to see when
the dust settled. However what I got at the time was preening self- congradulatory 'we got 'em!' types as well as 'here's the proof' and
no proof, or worst of all 'look for yourself!' and it's a sea of
nonsense as far as I could tell.
So, I will be writing this November. However, I will not be part of
that site or community.
Maybe we could do a tildeverse/pubnix wide event?
On Wed, 12 Oct 2022 11:04:54 -0000 (UTC)
James Tomasino <
tomasino@cosmic.voyage> wrote:
Hey peeps. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is only a few
weeks away. Just like last year I'm going to try and make an effort
to share writing prompts each day of the month. Last years prompts
are still in net news and on the cosmic mailing list. This year I'll
be doing something a little bit different, though.
I've teamed up with a fantastic duo of solarpunk dreamers out of
Poland to put together a list of prompts in that style based on real
world events and developments. I'll be making these into short videos
and releasing them each day of November.
If you have been looking for inspiration this may help you out! Now...
lets see if I can manage to actually pull it off.
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