cream of celery soup
Ben to on Fri Feb 24 16:43:03 2023
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Cream Of Celery Soup
Categories: Soups, Vegetarian
Yield: 4 Servings
4 c Celery; cut in 1" chunks
3 c Potatoes; cut in 1" chunks
4 c Water
1 ts Salt
1 c Celery; minced very finely
1 c Onion; minced
1/4 ts Celery seed; scant
1/4 ts Salt
2 tb Butter; up to 3
1 c Milk
1/4 c Sour cream or heavy cream;
-or more if for a richer
White pepper to taste
Preparation time 45-60 minutes. Plan to serve it immediately.
Bring 4 c celery, 3 c potatoes, water, and 1 ts salt to boil in a
saucepan. Cook, covered, until soft. Purée in blender. Place in
Sauté onion with 1/4 ts salt in butter until translucent. Add 1 c
minced celery and celery seed. Sauté until tender. Add to first
mixture in kettle.
About 10 minutes before serving, whisk in the milk, cream, and white
Heat the soup gently--using a heat-absorber plate under the kettle,
or, a double boiler. Don't cook the soup. Serve as soon as it's hot.
Recipe by Moosewood Cookbook
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