cream of asparagus soup
Ben to on Mon Feb 27 15:23:11 2023
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Cream Of Asparagus
Categories: Soups, Vegetarian
Yield: 4 Servings
2 c Water or stock
4 c Milk; scalded
1 1/2 lb Fresh asparagus
1 1/2 c Chopped onion
6 tb Butter
6 tb Flour
1 ts Salt
1 ts Dill
White pepper
1 ds Tamari
Preparation time: 50 minutes
Break off the touch asparagus bottoms and discard them. Break off the
asparagus tips and set them aside. Chop the stalks, and cook them
with the onions in the butter, salting them lightly.
After about 8-10 minutes when onions are clear, sprinkle in the flour.
Continue to cook over lowest possible heat (use a "waffle" heat
absorber, if you have one) 5-8 minutes.
Add water or stock. Cook 8-10 minutes, stirring frequently, until
thickened. Purée the sauce bit-by-bit with the milk in the blender.
Blend it until thoroughly smooth.
Return the purée to a kettle, preferably a double boiler, and add
dill, salt, white pepper, and tamari. Heat the soup very
gently--don't boil it or cook it. As it heats, steam or sauté the
asparagus tips until tender, but still very green. Add these, whole,
to the soup.
Serve as immediately as possible.
Recipe by Moosewood Cookbook
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