• MPRCLOBTLB - Make Personal Rosetta Code Like Org Babel Texts Less Boring

    From yeti@yeti@tilde.institute to tilde.institute on Sun Mar 3 18:36:01 2024
    Content-Type: text/plain

    I think I found a solution to make repeatedly occurring code snippets'
    output less annoying by automagically checking them against the expected output.

    Sample UTF8 output of such a text with code snippets: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    Content-Disposition: inline
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


    Not Really An Unnamed Elisp Toddler

    Table of Contents

    1. What and why?
    2. A Task Description With Expected Output
    3. An Implementation
    4. An Other Implementation
    5. Famous Last Words
    6. Happy(?) End.

    1 What and why?

    Imagine lots of my org notes as little Rosetta-Code alike collections
    of code snippets for one task in several languages.

    There is something to do and typically all of them should generate the
    same output, so I don't want that output below each snippet, but still
    have an automagic test for it being the expected result.

    2 A Task Description With Expected Output ═════════════════════════════════════════

    Task description and (fake) reference example output without published

    │ 2
    │ 6
    │ 30
    │ 210

    3 An Implementation

    Fake "correct" example exporting code only:

    │ printf '%s\n' 2 6 30 210

    │ The results are identical to the expected output.

    4 An Other Implementation ═════════════════════════

    Fake "buggy" example exporting code only:

    │ printf '%s\n' 2 6 30 210 210210

    │ /!\ The results do not match the expected output.

    5 Famous Last Words

    I think the check can be attached to the example code block as
    postprocessing function, but I'll play with more automagisms later.

    6 Happy(?) End.

    …for now.

    Content-Type: text/plain


    The Org source of it: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Content-Type: text/x-org
    Content-Disposition: inline

    #+title: Comparing Demo Code Snippets' results
    #+author: Not Really An Unnamed Elisp Toddler

    * What and why?
    :ID: c265fa90-cb89-46f9-b308-493aab52cccd

    Imagine lots of my org notes as little Rosetta-Code alike collections of
    code snippets for one task in several languages.

    There is something to do and typically all of them should generate the
    same output, so I don't want that output below each snippet, but still
    have an automagic test for it being the expected result.

    * The Helper Function :noexport: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: 1cac6b80-e6ac-4170-a965-9196e7d6029f

    #+name: results-equal
    #+begin_src elisp :results output :exports none :var ok="" check="" :cache yes :eval never-export
    (if (string-equal ok check)
    (princ "The results are identical to the expected output.")
    (princ "/!\\ The results do not match the expected output."))

    * A Task Description With Expected Output
    :ID: c5ee4e87-9d8d-4a5b-ade8-067f5f0bb636

    Task description and (fake) reference example output without published

    #+name: expected-result
    #+begin_src sh :results output :exports results :cache yes :eval never-export printf '%s\n' 2 6 30 210

    #+RESULTS[10aa19a40b920cecfaae760a321d00fb673eaa87]: expected-result
    : 2
    : 6
    : 30
    : 210

    * An Implementation
    :ID: 37ff69a3-6042-4303-b4fb-d35d93a71c55

    Fake "correct" example exporting code only:

    #+name: candidate1
    #+begin_src sh :results output :exports code :cache yes :eval never-export printf '%s\n' 2 6 30 210

    #+RESULTS[c7cb5e6b1e51294f0b6c816d462c099fecce4c25]: candidate1
    : 2
    : 6
    : 30
    : 210

    #+call: results-equal(ok=expected-result,check=candidate1)

    : The results are identical to the expected output.

    * An Other Implementation
    :ID: ee1a8d84-2941-45ca-9699-2625aeb3a9e3

    Fake "buggy" example exporting code only:

    #+name: candidate2
    #+begin_src sh :results output :exports code :cache yes :eval never-export printf '%s\n' 2 6 30 210 210210

    #+RESULTS[d69e51c8aa25b238802dea59ba964e9be0714626]: candidate2
    : 2
    : 6
    : 30
    : 210
    : 210210

    #+call: results-equal(ok=expected-result,check=candidate2)

    : /!\ The results do not match the expected output.

    * Famous Last Words
    :ID: db9fcac2-6a4b-4890-a3cc-5f4cc5d77990

    I think the check can be attached to the example code block as
    postprocessing function, but I'll play with more automagisms later.

    * Happy(?) End.
    :ID: bf3e3940-91fc-4113-8eb6-ba29f80866d6

    ...for now.

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

    -- ⢀⣶⡀⠀⠀⢀⣶⡀⠀⠀⢀⣶⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣶⡀⠀⠀⢀⣶⡀⠀⠀⢀⣶⡀

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From yeti@yeti@tilde.institute to tilde.institute on Sun Mar 3 23:56:57 2024
    Content-Type: text/plain



    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    Content-Disposition: inline
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


    Wasn't Me, Mom!!!

    Table of Contents

    1. Reference Result
    2. One Example
    3. Other Example
    4. Last Cry

    1 Reference Result

    │ 2
    │ 6
    │ 30
    │ 210

    2 One Example

    │ printf '%s\n' 2 6 30 210

    │ The results are identical to the expected output.

    3 Other Example

    │ printf '%s\n' 2 6 30 210 210210

    │ /!\ The results do not match the expected output.

    4 Last Cry

    Now my brains hurt. Too many knobs and options and whatsoevers…

    Content-Type: text/plain


    Content-Type: text/x-org
    Content-Disposition: inline

    #+title: Knots In Da Brainz
    #+author: Wasn't Me, Mom!!!

    * Helper :noexport: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: d5371c7f-bc51-478d-b008-c1ca89178990

    #+name: result-equal
    #+begin_src elisp :results output :exports none :var a="" b="" :eval always
    (if (string-equal a b)
    (princ "The results are identical to the expected output.")
    (princ "/!\\ The results do not match the expected output."))

    * Reference Result
    :ID: bd76d324-cbd7-4020-842b-d6b96605109c

    #+name: ref
    #+begin_src sh :results output :exports results :eval never-export
    printf '%s\n' 2 6 30 210

    #+RESULTS: ref
    : 2
    : 6
    : 30
    : 210

    * One Example
    :ID: 4fd618ad-e6d6-47d8-b9e9-5a04f5ac66f4

    #+name: example
    #+begin_src sh :results output :post result-equal(a=ref, b=*this*) :exports both :eval no-export
    printf '%s\n' 2 6 30 210

    #+RESULTS[25cbddbb12cb606415b4bfde232a19c0c7e43c3d]: example
    : The results are identical to the expected output.

    * Other Example
    :ID: 01855a80-d038-4c70-96e7-b5b8bcd7b2d8

    #+name: other
    #+begin_src sh :results output :post result-equal(a=ref, b=*this*) :exports both :eval no-export
    printf '%s\n' 2 6 30 210 210210

    #+RESULTS: other
    : /!\ The results do not match the expected output.

    * Last Cry
    :ID: bbabb4de-7522-4038-9c90-67ca7e71bfd0

    Now my brains hurt.
    Too many knobs and options and whatsoevers...

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀( Play pew-pew? )

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From yeti@yeti@tilde.institute to tilde.institute on Mon Mar 4 14:44:48 2024
    Content-Type: text/plain

    Now the important things first: The Org source...


    Content-Type: text/x-org
    Content-Disposition: inline

    #+title: Knots In Da Brainz
    #+subtitle: Now With More Ecamples
    #+author: Wasn't Me, Mom!!!

    #+options: tags:nil

    * Helper :noexport: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: 4f1aaf59-84c3-4285-8f28-96db3f7e3b4c

    #+name: result-equal
    #+begin_src elisp :results output :exports none :var a="" b="" :eval always
    (if (string-equal a b)
    (princ "The results are identical to the expected output.")
    (princ "/!\\ The results do not match the expected output."))

    * Task :resourceless: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: a2843421-4100-42f9-905f-62ea63c0c240

    Calculate the n-th Primorial in a Way using the known ones as jump bar.

    The Primorial is product of numbers like a Factorial, but only
    using primes.

    Hint: ~GCD(Primorial,Prime) == 1~ for primes not yet multiplied into the
    used ~Primorial~.

    ** Reference Result :resourceless: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: 925e6e6f-83ae-4770-bf0d-2e45a06ef4b4

    #+name: ref
    #+begin_src sh :results output :exports results :eval never-export
    2 2
    3 6
    5 30
    7 210
    11 2310
    13 30030
    17 510510
    19 9699690
    23 223092870
    29 6469693230
    31 200560490130
    37 7420738134810
    41 304250263527210

    #+RESULTS: ref
    2 2
    3 6
    5 30
    7 210
    11 2310
    13 30030
    17 510510
    19 9699690
    23 223092870
    29 6469693230
    31 200560490130
    37 7420738134810
    41 304250263527210

    * Implementations :resourceless: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: 96eb2cf0-cbb2-4a6c-a6d4-a95050882b70

    ** C :resourceless: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: 6d031aa9-8f6f-4f47-9725-0474c3733a05

    This was verified to compile with GCC an TinyCC.

    #+name: Primes via Primorial (C)
    #+header: :shebang #!/opt/tcc/bin/tcc -run -lgmp
    #+header: :results output :exports both :eval no-export
    #+header: :post result-equal(a=ref, b=*this*)
    #+begin_src sh
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <gmp.h>

    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    mpz_t P,p,g;

    while(mpz_cmp_ui(p,42)!=0) {
    if(mpz_cmp_ui(g,1)==0) {
    gmp_printf("%Zd %Zd\n",p,P);

    return 0;

    #+RESULTS: Primes via Primorial (C)
    : The results are identical to the expected output.

    ** DC :resourceless: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: c76ef9fe-62b2-4156-ae0c-f133a314dfed

    Tested with GNU-DC.

    #+name: Primes via Primorial (DC)
    #+header: :shebang #!/usr/bin/env -S stdbuf -oL -eL dc
    #+header: :results output :exports both :eval no-export
    #+header: :post result-equal(a=ref, b=*this*)
    #+begin_src sh
    [ d S! % L! r d 0<G ] sG # a b -- gcd 0

    lp lP * sP # "remember" found prime by multiplying it into P
    lp n 32 P # print: p <space>
    lP n 10 P # print: P <linefeed>
    ] sT

    [ 2q ] sQ

    lp 1 + sp # p += 1

    lp 42<Q # break if end reached

    lp lP lG x + 1=T # gcd(P,p) > 1 ? call T
    lL x # tail-recurse
    sL # store as L

    1 sp # p = 1
    1 sP # P = 1
    lL x # call L

    #+RESULTS: Primes via Primorial (DC)
    : The results are identical to the expected output.

    [[https://tio.run/##dZFPT4NAEMXv@yleS0zUSlKqJ0Px2AuHbeTW9MCfoW5c6LoLif30OLRJUSnvNNn85u28mSLvuh0KvM9wh3gGy/Uy3GAPtwE8pMjg@zjk/CzETgDaQEs8wkn8kYe5pYqqjOwc5bGtCxirKkJ2QtXqRhl9UvUBqoGqmyPkxavG8wr/rNiLW@vmFQahM2lOUQ9LhoPlNDxIItSqppKoiARHSXh0rL76VNtrigALODM2w2KNQFyYl1W4BUZMZin9hCpBnJLr/IMKcd2N3uCbvYN1MnTwAu/lk3lAxP@@IU@1RtJ3xMzekIcmVdq3lLfWkdgLF2NCHlxztITUIRYiGGf6Fa1PFoxONxDyTEwN1RPnyeOu@wE][...the above in tio.run...]]

    ** Emacs-Lisp :resourceless: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: 890ff0ed-9317-4c7f-a3c5-9b82034fd27e

    /!\ Please excuse my Lisp indentation style. I'm optimistic that
    Lispers will be able to read it in this non standard style, but users of
    other languages may find this less compact way a bit easier.

    *** ...using cl-lib
    :ID: 10142f5f-3882-4ca8-817a-aac7c432a53a

    #+name: Primes via Primorial (elisp 1)
    #+header: :shebang #!/usr/bin/env -S emacs -Q --script
    #+header: :results output :exports both :eval no-export
    #+header: :post result-equal(a=ref, b=*this*)
    #+begin_src sh
    (require 'cl-lib)

    (let ((P 1) (p 1))
    (while (< p 42)
    (setq p (1+ p))
    (when (= 1 (cl-gcd P p))
    (setq P (* P p))
    (princ (format "%d %d\n" p P))

    #+RESULTS: Primes via Primorial (elisp 1)
    : The results are identical to the expected output.

    *** ...without cl-lib
    :ID: 93771662-0994-4c16-a896-3a74d495a709

    #+name: Primes via Primorial (elisp 2)
    #+header: :shebang #!/usr/bin/env -S emacs -Q --script
    #+header: :results output :exports both :eval no-export
    #+header: :post result-equal(a=ref, b=*this*)
    #+begin_src sh
    (defun gcd (x y)
    (if (= y 0)
    (gcd y (mod x y)

    (let ((P 1) (p 1))
    (while (< p 42)
    (setq p (1+ p))
    (when (= 1 (gcd P p))
    (setq P (* P p))
    (princ (format "%d %d\n" p P))

    #+RESULTS: Primes via Primorial (elisp 2)
    : The results are identical to the expected output.

    ** GAWK :resourceless: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: d084c6c3-6e16-4e64-a773-aa96c39d49ff

    /!\ This is deliberately failing to test the results watchdog.

    The code is correct but just spits out one line less, see ~while(p<40)~.

    #+name: Primes via Primorial (gawk)
    #+header: :shebang #!/usr/bin/env -S gawk --bignum -f
    #+header: :results output :exports both :eval no-export
    #+header: :post result-equal(a=ref, b=*this*)
    #+begin_src sh
    # use: gawk --bignum

    function gcd(a,b) {
    return b?gcd(b,(a%b)):a

    BEGIN {
    print p,P*=p

    #+RESULTS: Primes via Primorial (gawk)
    : /!\ The results do not match the expected output.

    [[https://tio.run/##NY5BCsIwFET3/xQDIiQ2XVRcFYMgiLiRXCGpaQ2tMdSGLqRnj63iapjHGxg9timtEF@2RKPHFnluXOPjg6iOvhrc06OpbkwLw/EmoLdD7D3MYaFGML02nJeaJqLj6Xy5fiUlgyzmHO@usyzsd1s@N8DVbJkpkWWBS1n8KBB65wcEoTYy0JRS@r/4AA][...the above in tio.run...]]

    * Last Cry :resourceless: :PROPERTIES:
    :ID: bbabb4de-7522-4038-9c90-67ca7e71bfd0

    ( Are we there yet? )
    \ ( Be patient! )
    \ \
    _______________________ _@o ____________ _@o _@o _______________________ #+end_example

    Content-Type: text/plain


    ASCII export looks acceptable. I'm not yet happy with links, but I do
    not think I'll do much about that.


    Content-Type: text/plain
    Content-Disposition: inline


    Now With More Examples

    Wasn't Me, Mom!!!

    Table of Contents

    1. Task
    .. 1. Reference Result
    2. Implementations
    .. 1. C
    .. 2. DC
    .. 3. Emacs-Lisp
    ..... 1. ...using cl-lib
    ..... 2. ...without cl-lib
    .. 4. GAWK
    3. Last Cry

    1 Task

    Calculate the n-th Primorial in a Way using the known ones as jump

    The Primorial is product of numbers like a Factorial, but only using

    Hint: `GCD(Primorial,Prime) == 1' for primes not yet multiplied into
    the used `Primorial'.

    1.1 Reference Result

    | 2 2
    | 3 6
    | 5 30
    | 7 210
    | 11 2310
    | 13 30030
    | 17 510510
    | 19 9699690
    | 23 223092870
    | 29 6469693230
    | 31 200560490130
    | 37 7420738134810
    | 41 304250263527210

    2 Implementations

    2.1 C

    This was verified to compile with GCC an TinyCC.

    | #include <stdio.h>
    | #include <gmp.h>
    | int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    | mpz_t P,p,g;
    | mpz_init_set_ui(P,1);
    | mpz_init_set_ui(p,1);
    | mpz_init(g);
    | while(mpz_cmp_ui(p,42)!=0) {
    | mpz_add_ui(p,p,1);
    | mpz_gcd(g,P,p);
    | if(mpz_cmp_ui(g,1)==0) {
    | mpz_mul(P,P,p);
    | gmp_printf("%Zd %Zd\n",p,P);
    | }
    | }
    | mpz_clears(g,p,P,NULL);
    | return 0;
    | }

    | The results are identical to the expected output.

    2.2 DC

    Tested with GNU-DC.

    | [ d S! % L! r d 0<G ] sG # a b -- gcd 0
    | [
    | lp lP * sP # "remember" found prime by multiplying it into P
    | lp n 32 P # print: p <space>
    | lP n 10 P # print: P <linefeed>
    | ] sT
    | [ 2q ] sQ
    | [
    | lp 1 + sp # p += 1
    | lp 42<Q # break if end reached
    | lp lP lG x + 1=T # gcd(P,p) > 1 ? call T
    | lL x # tail-recurse
    | ]
    | sL # store as L
    | 1 sp # p = 1
    | 1 sP # P = 1
    | lL x # call L

    | The results are identical to the expected output.

    [...the above in tio.run...]

    [...the above in tio.run...] <https://tio.run/##dZFPT4NAEMXv@yleS0zUSlKqJ0Px2AuHbeTW9MCfoW5c6LoLif30OLRJUSnvNNn85u28mSLvuh0KvM9wh3gGy/Uy3GAPtwE8pMjg@zjk/CzETgDaQEs8wkn8kYe5pYqqjOwc5bGtCxirKkJ2QtXqRhl9UvUBqoGqmyPkxavG8wr/rNiLW@vmFQahM2lOUQ9LhoPlNDxIItSqppKoiARHSXh0rL76VNtrigALODM2w2KNQFyYl1W4BUZMZin9hCpBnJLr/IMKcd2N3uCbvYN1MnTwAu/lk3lAxP@@IU@1RtJ3xMzekIcmVdq3lLfWkdgLF2NCHlxztITUIRYiGGf6Fa1PFoxONxDyTEwN1RPnyeOu@wE>

    2.3 Emacs-Lisp

    /!\ Please excuse my Lisp indentation style. I'm optimistic that
    Lispers will be able to read it in this non standard style, but users
    of other languages may find this less compact way a bit easier.

    2.3.1 ...using cl-lib

    | (require 'cl-lib)
    | (let ((P 1) (p 1))
    | (while (< p 42)
    | (setq p (1+ p))
    | (when (= 1 (cl-gcd P p))
    | (setq P (* P p))
    | (princ (format "%d %d\n" p P))
    | )
    | )
    | )

    | The results are identical to the expected output.

    2.3.2 ...without cl-lib

    | (defun gcd (x y)
    | (if (= y 0)
    | x
    | (gcd y (mod x y)
    | )
    | )
    | )
    | (let ((P 1) (p 1))
    | (while (< p 42)
    | (setq p (1+ p))
    | (when (= 1 (gcd P p))
    | (setq P (* P p))
    | (princ (format "%d %d\n" p P))
    | )
    | )
    | )

    | The results are identical to the expected output.

    2.4 GAWK

    /!\ This is deliberately failing to test the results watchdog.

    The code is correct but just spits out one line less, see

    | # use: gawk --bignum
    | function gcd(a,b) {
    | return b?gcd(b,(a%b)):a
    | }
    | BEGIN {
    | P=p=1
    | while(p<40)
    | if(gcd(P,++p)==1)
    | print p,P*=p
    | }

    | /!\ The results do not match the expected output.

    [...the above in tio.run...]

    [...the above in tio.run...] <https://tio.run/##NY5BCsIwFET3/xQDIiQ2XVRcFYMgiLiRXCGpaQ2tMdSGLqRnj63iapjHGxg9timtEF@2RKPHFnluXOPjg6iOvhrc06OpbkwLw/EmoLdD7D3MYaFGML02nJeaJqLj6Xy5fiUlgyzmHO@usyzsd1s@N8DVbJkpkWWBS1n8KBB65wcEoTYy0JRS@r/4AA>

    3 Last Cry

    | ( Are we there yet? )
    | \ ( Be patient! )
    | \ \
    | _______________________ _@o ____________ _@o _@o _______________________

    Content-Type: text/plain


    I'm not so happy with the default look of Org's HTML export and my other
    stuff has more tweaks co compensate for that. So here it is, a not
    really fine tuned HTML example:


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    <div id="content">
    <h1 class="title">Knots In Da Brainz
    <br />
    <span class="subtitle">Now With More Examples</span>
    <div id="table-of-contents">
    <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
    <div id="text-table-of-contents">

    <li><a href="#orged5f1b8">1. Task</a>

    <li><a href="#org3f8a3bf">1.1. Reference Result</a></li>
    <li><a href="#org25a4dab">2. Implementations</a>

    <li><a href="#orga021e93">2.1. C</a></li>
    <li><a href="#org72561fd">2.2. DC</a></li>
    <li><a href="#orgcc0c7f8">2.3. Emacs-Lisp</a>

    <li><a href="#org99cfecd">2.3.1. &#x2026;using cl-lib</a></li>
    <li><a href="#org470c338">2.3.2. &#x2026;without cl-lib</a></li>
    <li><a href="#orgff0035a">2.4. GAWK</a></li>
    <li><a href="#org5583be6">3. Last Cry</a></li>

    <div id="outline-container-orged5f1b8" class="outline-2">
    <h2 id="orged5f1b8"><span class="section-number-2">1</span> <a href="#orged5f1b8">Task</a></h2>
    <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-1">

    Calculate the n-th Primorial in a Way using the known ones as jump bar.

    The Primorial is product of numbers like a Factorial, but only
    using primes.

    Hint: <code>GCD(Primorial,Prime) == 1</code> for primes not yet multiplied into the
    used <code>Primorial</code>.


    <div id="outline-container-org3f8a3bf" class="outline-3">
    <h3 id="org3f8a3bf"><span class="section-number-3">1.1</span> <a href="#org3f8a3bf">Reference Result</a></h3>
    <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-1">
    <pre class="example">
    2 2
    3 6
    5 30
    7 210
    11 2310
    13 30030
    17 510510
    19 9699690
    23 223092870
    29 6469693230
    31 200560490130
    37 7420738134810
    41 304250263527210

    <div id="outline-container-org25a4dab" class="outline-2">
    <h2 id="org25a4dab"><span class="section-number-2">2</span> <a href="#org25a4dab">Implementations</a></h2>
    <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-2">

    <div id="outline-container-orga021e93" class="outline-3">
    <h3 id="orga021e93"><span class="section-number-3">2.1</span> <a href="#orga021e93">C</a></h3>
    <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-2-1">

    This was verified to compile with GCC an TinyCC.

    <div class="org-src-container">
    <pre class="src src-sh" id="org2ac031d">#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
    #include &lt;gmp.h&gt;

    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    mpz_t P,p,g;

    while(mpz_cmp_ui(p,42)!=0) {
    if(mpz_cmp_ui(g,1)==0) {
    gmp_printf("%Zd %Zd\n",p,P);

    return 0;

    <pre class="example">
    The results are identical to the expected output.

    <div id="outline-container-org72561fd" class="outline-3">
    <h3 id="org72561fd"><span class="section-number-3">2.2</span> <a href="#org72561fd">DC</a></h3>
    <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-2-2">

    Tested with GNU-DC.

    <div class="org-src-container">
    <pre class="src src-sh" id="org07c5b7c">[ d S! % L! r d 0&lt;G ] sG # a b -- gcd 0

    lp lP * sP # "remember" found prime by multiplying it into P
    lp n 32 P # print: p &lt;space&gt;
    lP n 10 P # print: P &lt;linefeed&gt;
    ] sT

    [ 2q ] sQ

    lp 1 + sp # p += 1

    lp 42&lt;Q # break if end reached

    lp lP lG x + 1=T # gcd(P,p) &gt; 1 ? call T
    lL x # tail-recurse
    sL # store as L

    1 sp # p = 1
    1 sP # P = 1
    lL x # call L

    <pre class="example">
    The results are identical to the expected output.

    <a href="https://tio.run/#%23dZFPT4NAEMXv@yleS0zUSlKqJ0Px2AuHbeTW9MCfoW5c6LoLif30OLRJUSnvNNn85u28mSLvuh0KvM9wh3gGy/Uy3GAPtwE8pMjg@zjk/CzETgDaQEs8wkn8kYe5pYqqjOwc5bGtCxirKkJ2QtXqRhl9UvUBqoGqmyPkxavG8wr/rNiLW@vmFQahM2lOUQ9LhoPlNDxIItSqppKoiARHSXh0rL76VNtrigALODM2w2KNQFyYl1W4BUZMZin9hCpBnJLr/IMKcd2N3uCbvYN1MnTwAu/lk3lAxP@@IU@1RtJ3xMzekIcmVdq3lLfWkdgLF2NCHlxztITUIRYiGGf6Fa1PFoxONxDyTEwN1RPnyeOu@wE">&#x2026;the above in tio.run&#x2026;</a>


    <div id="outline-container-orgcc0c7f8" class="outline-3">
    <h3 id="orgcc0c7f8"><span class="section-number-3">2.3</span> <a href="#orgcc0c7f8">Emacs-Lisp</a></h3>
    <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-2-3">

    /!\ Please excuse my Lisp indentation style. I'm optimistic that
    Lispers will be able to read it in this non standard style, but users of
    other languages may find this less compact way a bit easier.


    <div id="outline-container-org99cfecd" class="outline-4">
    <h4 id="org99cfecd"><span class="section-number-4">2.3.1</span> <a href="#org99cfecd">&#x2026;using cl-lib</a></h4>
    <div class="outline-text-4" id="text-2-3-1">
    <div class="org-src-container">
    <pre class="src src-sh" id="org8bc3f5d">(require 'cl-lib)

    (let ((P 1) (p 1))
    (while (&lt; p 42)
    (setq p (1+ p))
    (when (= 1 (cl-gcd P p))
    (setq P (* P p))
    (princ (format "%d %d\n" p P))

    <pre class="example">
    The results are identical to the expected output.

    <div id="outline-container-org470c338" class="outline-4">
    <h4 id="org470c338"><span class="section-number-4">2.3.2</span> <a href="#org470c338">&#x2026;without cl-lib</a></h4>
    <div class="outline-text-4" id="text-2-3-2">
    <div class="org-src-container">
    <pre class="src src-sh" id="org85c9151">(defun gcd (x y)
    (if (= y 0)
    (gcd y (mod x y)

    (let ((P 1) (p 1))
    (while (&lt; p 42)
    (setq p (1+ p))
    (when (= 1 (gcd P p))
    (setq P (* P p))
    (princ (format "%d %d\n" p P))

    <pre class="example">
    The results are identical to the expected output.

    <div id="outline-container-orgff0035a" class="outline-3">
    <h3 id="orgff0035a"><span class="section-number-3">2.4</span> <a href="#orgff0035a">GAWK</a></h3>
    <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-2-4">

    /!\ This is deliberately failing to test the results watchdog.

    The code is correct but just spits out one line less, see <code>while(p&lt;40)</code>.

    <div class="org-src-container">
    <pre class="src src-sh" id="org0f17f8a"># use: gawk --bignum

    function gcd(a,b) {
    return b?gcd(b,(a%b)):a

    BEGIN {
    print p,P*=p

    <pre class="example">
    /!\ The results do not match the expected output.

    <a href="https://tio.run/#%23NY5BCsIwFET3/xQDIiQ2XVRcFYMgiLiRXCGpaQ2tMdSGLqRnj63iapjHGxg9timtEF@2RKPHFnluXOPjg6iOvhrc06OpbkwLw/EmoLdD7D3MYaFGML02nJeaJqLj6Xy5fiUlgyzmHO@usyzsd1s@N8DVbJkpkWWBS1n8KBB65wcEoTYy0JRS@r/4AA">&#x2026;the above in tio.run&#x2026;</a>


    <div id="outline-container-org5583be6" class="outline-2">
    <h2 id="org5583be6"><span class="section-number-2">3</span> <a href="#org5583be6">Last Cry</a></h2>
    <div class="outline-text-2" id="text-3">
    <pre class="example">
    ( Are we there yet? )
    \ ( Be patient! )
    \ \
    _______________________ _@o ____________ _@o _@o _______________________
    <div id="postamble" class="status">
    <p class="author">Author: Wasn't Me, Mom!!!</p>
    <p class="date">Created: 2024-03-04 Mon 13:46</p>
    <p class="validation"><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer">Validate</a></p>
    Content-Type: text/plain



    You have survived all this and still are reading? WOW!!!

    I'll take a break from this and later will try to find a way to
    automagically show out the results if they do not match the reference
    results. Apart from that I'm kind of happy with the current state of
    this experiment.
    C-x C-c

    Wrong window!

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From yeti@yeti@tilde.institute to tilde.institute on Mon Mar 4 20:53:25 2024
    It's late, too late for a solution with more blingbling than this:

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #+name: result-equal
    #+begin_src elisp :results output :exports none :var a="" b="" :eval always
    (if (string-equal a b)
    (princ "The results are identical to the expected output.")
    (princ b)
    (princ "\n")
    (princ "/!\\ The results do not match the expected output.")))
    #+end_src ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3. Hitchhiker 1: (6) He stood up straight and looked the world squarely
    in the fields and hills. To add weight to his words he stuck the rabbit
    bone in his hair. He spread his arms out wide. (7) "I will go mad!" he announced.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113