On Thu, 26 Jan 2023, alexlehm wrote:
is there a dedicated test group?
The one that is peered across Tildeverse (i.e. in tilde.* namespace)?
Not really.
I think the purpose for test group[s] is for testing newreader's
posting ability (as well as experimenting weird formatting
and suchlike) before actually posting real messages to groups
which are peered-- to avoid polluting actual newsgroups
with a lot of test messages. [1]
In practice, posting of test messages to actual peered newsgroups
are allowed [2]; but you are advised to keep it at the minimum
in a normal situation at least. (Yours is understandable
as Cosmic.voyage doesn't provide a test newsgroup)
On Thu, 26 Jan 2023, yeti wrote:
Is local.test visible on all nntp nodes?
local.* are specific to each NNTP server, each of them are not the same.
For example: local.test in Tilde.club is not the same as local.test
in Tilde.team, the test message ~alexlehm posted in local.test
through Tilde.club [3] is only visible to ones who use Tilde.club's
NNTP server (news.tilde.club a.k.a. tilde.club a.k.a. news.tildeverse.org);
and could not be viewed by ones who use Tilde.team's NNTP server
despite them having a same-name group.
But for Cosmic.voyage specifically, however...
On Thu, 26 Jan 2023, alexlehm wrote:
The groups do not exist e.g. on cosmic
Okay, thanks for bringing this up. I should get in touch with ~tomasino
later about Cosmic.voyage's phony listing of `local.general`
and `local.test` in `LIST NEWGROUPS` NNTP command output.
(As expected, these groups returned "411 No such group" error
on actual issue of "GROUP" NNTP command)
(Tilde.club's unofficial Netnews wrangler)
P.S. This post is sent from inside Tilde.club.
[1] You might have seen some humorous reply I have made
in response to someone posting a test message outside of
a dedicated test group when the server in question does have one,
"Re: test; failed" [2022-12-29T14:53:13Z]
[2] This usually happen when a new host join the peering,
or when a new newsgroup is about to be established;
for the purpose of verifying the peering.
[3] "Test post" [2023-01-25T19:22:58Z]
(Viewable only via Tilde.club's Netnews server)
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