• [Fiction] Mall Rats - Introduction and Explanation

    From Singletona082@singletona082@ctrl-c.club to tilde.text on Sun Aug 11 13:03:42 2024
    Elevator Pitch:
    With 'Dead' Malls having some amount of prominence; why not use that as
    a setting? Who better than high-schoolers as point of view/protagonists? They're the generation that is inheriting this mess. At the same time
    how to make this not a boring slog through city planning? Well, add a
    little bit of urban fantasy in the form of the mall itself not just
    being a setting but a character that has its own wants and motives, but
    cannot directly communicate with people in a way that can be traced unambiguously back to itself. When? Modern day. What's the point? To
    shine a light on these monuments and temples to consumerism that are oft decaying as it's just a gargantuan project to take on with not a lot of
    surity on making money at the end and show what could be done with such
    a space. Plus, The co-leads are the scion of a wealthy family and an anarchist.

    Some Background:
    I got effectively dared into this before I abandoned discord by someone
    asking - 'What if there was an arcade that was self aware and wanted to manipulate people into visiting it more?' This was in relation to the dungeon-core subset of Isakai stories. Aka 'Person gets yeeted into
    another world where modern knowledge makes them a force of Change in the world' with Dungeon Core being a sybtype where people get turned into
    the motive force behind ye olden fantasyland dungeon.

    What I'm going to do:
    Every Sunday. I am going to post a chapter here. Be it a thousand words.
    Be it more. One update a week. I will attempt to limit the amount of
    typos, but as this will all be first draft? No promises.

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